hongeeii 2024. 1. 8. 00:15


class Solution {
    fun solution(clothes: Array<Array<String>>): Int {
        val clothesMap = hashMapOf<String, Int>()
        clothes.forEach {
            var c = clothesMap.getOrDefault(it[1], 0)
            clothesMap[it[1]] = ++c

        val result = clothesMap.values.fold(1) { total, num ->
            total * (num + 1)

        return result - 1


좀 더 코틀린스럽게 짜는 연습을 해야겠다..  


 fun solution(clothes: Array<Array<String>>): Int {
        return clothes.groupBy { it[1] }.values.fold(1) { acc, v -> acc * (v.size + 1) }  - 1
fun solution(clothes: Array<Array<String>>) = clothes
        .groupBy { it[1] }.values   // group by type of clothes, keep only names of clothes
        .map { it.size + 1 }        // number of things to wear in a group (including wearing nothing)
        .reduce(Int::times)         // combine
        .minus(1)                   // remove the case where the spy wears nothing